CBD and Kinkatopia
Since February 2019, I have been using CBD with our kinkajous for maintenance, behavioral, transitional, and medical purposes.
CBD is a natural, powerful (and nationally legal) component found in cannabis plants. It is a natural health tool that is actually very popular with animals! CBD in kinkajous share a lot of the same health benefits as it does with humans: skin/hair, nails, anti-inflammatory, pain management, anxiety deterrent, digestion aid, and carries preventative health measures.
Kinkatopia uses nightly CBD for all our kinkajous. I use it in different forms and doses contingent on their needs. In the following, I am going to break down what I use CBD for and share my experience.
As directed, I use smaller doses of CBD as a nightly health tool. As mentioned above, these benefits include: skin/hair, nails, calming, digestion aid, and carries preventative health measures. A misconception I run into a lot — for those using CBD for maintenance purposes — is people looking for drastic results. There are a couple things to keep in mind. One, I see our animals daily and therefore, subtler benefits may be harder for us to recognize — subtle to see, but overall, impactful internally. CBD carries many benefits that you may not visually see. Two, when I refer to “calming,” it is rather taking the edge off a hyper kink. CBD is not a sedative; I do not want them comatose. I do not want them to appear drugged or lethargic. When referring to the calming effects of CBD, I mean the edge is taken off a hyper-active kinkajou. Their visual anxieties will be aided, should they be exhibiting nervous tendencies. Please keep in mind, kinkajous are a rowdy animal naturally.
CBD is awesome for holidays like the 4th of July and New Year’s Eve. Our neighbors set off fireworks, so higher doses of CBD prove beneficial to ease nerves.
I use a higher doses of CBD for behavioral issues. In the past, I’ve experimented with pharmaceuticals (under vet direction) to help with anxiety-related, unpredictable and aggressive behaviors. Nothing compares to the success I’ve had with CBD. I am going to use Arkham and Winnie as examples.
Arkham is my hormonally aggressive male who was neutered at 3 years old (higher than the advised age). He would have violent, unpredictable spells of crazed biting — purely hormonal- and territorial-based. He kicked off Kinkatopia’s use of CBD in February 2019. In combination with his neuter (November 2018) and training, CBD has been a powerful tool to balance him out. Although I still do not risk handling Arkham, I am able to enter his enclosure for brief periods of time. He is more grounded and able to focus. There is a substantial change in his behavior due to these components.
Winnie is our amputee that obsessively sucks her nub, plucks her fur, and has aggressive outbursts. Winnie arrived to us in the fall of 2019. I used CBD with her immediately to aide in her transition. During her time at Kinkatopia, her neuroses increase in ebbs and flows. I’ve needed to make several environmental changes for her, all while utilizing CBD consistently. Winnie is dealing with many other stressors and my job is to identity the best equation of housing, companionship, interaction, activity, and diet to ensure she has the best quality life. Let me tell you, her transitions within new environments are faster and she has more confidence. The hair on her nub and back grows back faster. She has maintained a healthy weight and continues to grow more present. Winnie’s anxiety tends to cause her to dissociate and take little mental trips. The longer she is on the CBD, the less these periods of time are occurring.
I have stated that CBD is a tool — it is not a cure. It is a powerful tool that in combination with other tools can lead to life-changing results for both living with your kinkajou and their overall health. This doesn’t mean that it masks characteristics of being a kinkajou.
Since Kinkatopia’s start on CBD use, I’ve had 2 permanent residents join us and move 3 residents into new enclosures. I also have used CBD on boarders (only under owner permission). Each time, I have used higher doses to help ease the anxiety of settling into a new place.
I have found that incorporating CBD into the settling routine takes the edge off anxiety, promotes appetite, and is a wonderful tool to ease a kink into a new environment. It promotes relaxing in new surroundings so the animal can better adjust.
I have used CBD to help in medical situations involving inflammation and pain. I initially looked into CBD for Chloe, my kinkajou who was diagnosed with cystitis (inflammation of the bladder due to stress) in 2019. During the ongoing battle of treatment and diagnosis, CBD was used as an aide to alleviate swelling.
CBD has been a great instrument to manage pain. I have used it both on injuries (topical) and by ingestion resulting in an obvious change to comfort.
Once Kinky injured his foot. He was unable to put pressure on it and held it high when he walked. With CBD, he was able to put pressure on his leg and get around more comfortably.
How do I administer CBD?
I use either CBD oil/tincture or peanut butter.
The oil/tincture will absorb faster into the body and doses can simply be adjusted by increasing the amount of drops used. Oil is your mid-level CBD, while tincture is high-octane concentration. I prefer to mix the liquid CBD with nectar and administer with a syringe. This is an awesome way to train you kink to willingly accept medications (syringe training). A bowl works perfectly fine as well!
I give CBD nightly. The more routine, the better the effects. I choose how I administer according to who needs what dose of CBD.
Kinkatopia recommends
suzie’s cbd treats
Kinkatopia is excited to share suzie’s cbd treats with you all! based in colorado, this company comes highly acclaimed and kinkapproved! from oils to cbd infused peanut butter … they have it all! including cbd for your domestic pets. The cbd peanut butter comes highly recommended by our kinks, as it is great used in kongs to double as enrichment.
kinkatopia testimonial: this is the fastest-acting cbd i have utilized. myla kinkajou was exhibiting anxiety and panicked behavior even a month into her stay at kinkatopia. when i received the cbd peanut butter, i gave her a dollop on her dinner and within 15 minutes, she calmed. it was the most relaxed i had seen her during her stay at that point, all of our kinks love suzies cbd products. we are so graetful for them!
when purchasing from suzie’s cbd treats, make sure to share that you heard of them from kinkatopia!
doses as per kinkatopia for suzie’s cbd treats
suzie’s cbd oil: .25 mg
(based on 1,000 mg bottle)
Suzie’s cbd peanut butter: 1/2-1 teaspoon
these are starting doses. Remember, you can always increase and play around with it, but these are starting points.
*Approved by Suzie’s CBD Treats
The beauty of CBD is that you cannot overdose! It is a natural health tool. However, we don’t want to waste CBD and essentially money, so dosing appropriately for the kinkajou’s needs is important. Also, the body can only process so much. Kinkajous have fast metabolisms so I am comfortable offering them these doses. This is what I’ve been doing since February 2019.
“Thank you for the invite on XXXX. Annie loved her new Gummies and being new in our home she seemed to be more relaxed after just a daily treat.”
— Annie kinkajou and Branon W.
In regards to using CBD: “…those have been a lifesaver with Juju’s hormonal swings, and we’re almost out.” Also, “She has hormonal aggression which we manage with CBD.”
— Juju kinkajou and T. S.