Virtual Kinkajou Training Session - 1 hour

Virtual Kinkajou Training Session - 1 hour
Training your kinkajou isn’t about having them jump through hoops or do backflips. For Kinkatopia, training is a necessity and a true game changer for your relationship with your animals. Training not only teaches you a deeper way to communicate with your kinkajou, it can make life easier … and a super bonus? They enjoy it!
A 1-hour session will focus on behaviors which will be predetermined upon payment. These behaviors will include (but not limited to): targeting, stationing, coming when called, and crate training.
*It is important to accept that training does not happen overnight and you will be the one putting in the work with your animal. This is a commitment. It takes time, patience, and repetition. That being said, it is one of the most important aspects of the Kinkatopia program.
Your session will be with the Mother of Kinkajous herself! She will walk you though the lesson and provide you with a post-session plan. Also note, that one hour will not be enough to cover multiple behaviors. It is most beneficial to commit to multiple sessions and work out a schedule to give your kinkajou most stimulation and greatest chance to advance in learning a multitude of behaviors.